Word-of-mouth marketing is so useful, helpful, and valuable that you can’t do without it. Happy clients tell friends, family, and others about their experience with the law firm – essentially, it’s free advertising. And while the conversations might seem out of your control, there are several ways to get people talking about your business. Even if you’re doing well, you can extend your reach further by using several media channels to spread your message. Here’s a roundup of our tips and tricks to help you implement your promotional plan, no matter your firm’s size or budget.

Improve Your Local Ranking on Google

The aim of SEO is to offer users the best possible answer to their inquiries when they use a search engine like Google. Success comes down to writing content that informs, educates, delights, and entertains, providing an excellent overall experience, and enhancing the technical aspects of your website, such as making changes to the platform’s architecture, coding, and other technical elements. SEO has advanced as a critical element for businesses looking to build a local customer base. The SERPs favour the most relevant results for each search, so law firms with complete and accurate information are easier to match with the right searches.

With these suggestions in mind, you’re bound to be successful: 

  • Optimise your Google My Business profile: Manage how you appear in online tools like Google Search and Google Maps by optimising your listing. If you can confirm that your law firm is legitimate, Google will reward you with the coveted sidebar space in the local search results. 
  • Ensure your NAP are consistent online: Your name, address, and phone number are crawlable HTML content, so ensure they’re correct and consistent for local search. If one piece of information differs, confusion and uncertainty abound, leaving clients unable to contact you. 
  • Add location pages to your website: Direct people to your place while supplying extra information that might be helpful. For example, you can include start and finish times or testimonials from satisfied clients. These small, thoughtful changes demonstrate to people you’re willing to got the extra mile. 

Create And Maintain a Blog

Blogging builds authority and demonstrates expertise, meaning it can boost your differentiating message. No one wants to hire a lawyer who doesn’t have a good understanding of their practice area or the challenges clients come across, so position yourself as a thought leader to improve your ability to nurture leads and convert them into clients. If you need an example, check out Personal Injury Claims UK’s site for inspiration. Try to publish content at least once a week to give readers something to think about, but it’s best to prioritise quality over quantity because outstanding content can set you apart from your competitors, helping you snag a spot at the top of the SERPs.

Before jotting down any ideas, do your homework and plan to secure the best results. While all subjects matter, the most important topics to watch this year are the intersection of AI and IP, cybercrime and its impact on businesses, and what to do (or not to do) when you’re injured. There’s an increased demand for personal injury law firms because more people than ever are aware of their rights to legal representation in the case of an accident. Writing blog posts is high on your to-do list, but make sure you’re writing about subjects that are relevant to your prospects. Don’t bait and switch.

Invest In Your Law Firm’s Social Media Presence

Use social media to promote your services and engage with prospective clients. If you’re hesitant to do so, bringing up concerns about professionalism and privacy, please know the benefits of having an online presence far outweigh the drawbacks (i.e., it takes too long to show results). You can address concerns in real-time, keep track of what others are saying about your brand, and stay ahead of industry trends, so it’s worth giving social media a try. According to Hootsuite, one in four people refuse to hire a lawyer without a recognisable web or social media presence.

The platforms you decide highlight your audience’s demographics and allow you to show off your skills, so if you work with older adults, Facebook is your best bet. By contrast, if you seek to create engaging content like video, Instagram and TikTok are key platforms for building trust and likeability. Attention must be paid to the fact that there’s no right or wrong social media site. If you want to use LinkedIn, it’s best to have fewer friendships that are deeper and more authentic than surface-level connections. One exception to this rule: connect with every client who’s had a positive experience with you.

Double-Check For Calls-To-Action 

Calls-to-action (CTAs) eliminate decision fatigue, direct your audience, and increase client acquisition, so place them where they’re immediately visible. You can use contrasting colours to make the CTAs stand out. Include a call-to-action in your pop-ups, purchase/checkout pages, articles and landing pages, and side panels. Think about using A/B testing to identify winning variants. Must-have CTAs include but aren’t limited to: 

  • Call now
  • Learn more 
  • Get started
  • Sign up 
  • Click here 
  • Schedule your consultation

It goes without saying that this list is by no means exhaustive. 

Wrapping It Up

If you want to get more clients for your law firm, you’re not alone. With the threat of new entrants in an already overcrowded sector, competition has never been greater and strategically responding to rivalry comes down to how well you market yourself. Investing in digital marketing is a more effective way to get leads for your law firm. The goal isn’t to be a bomb thrower but to have a compelling and differentiated message, so evaluate your unique characteristics. Instead of trying to please everyone, strive to create affinity with people, that is, build meaningful relationships.

It takes a few months to start seeing results, and sometimes, you might have to wait an entire year before you can assess the results of your campaign. Don’t give up just yet.