A large handful of social media platforms.

Billions of users.

3-5 posts a week to put out across all of those platforms.

MILLIONS of competitors and accounts in your niche regularly posting.

How on Earth are you going to speak to the right people and float past the competition?

What is a User Persona?

A user persona is a template of your ideal customer. This could be based on a prospective target audience or an amalgamation of a few pre-existing customers.

They are a great way to optimise your blog posts for SEO as well as your social media posts. By following a user persona, you’ll have more chances of holding their attention for longer. This is good, because it increases user dwell time on your website; a key metric for SEO in 2023.

Usually, a user persona will have a Name, Job Title, Industry, Goals/Objectives, and Challenges sections, amidst more.

Why is a User Persona Important?

A user persona is used to get an idea of a specific customer in mind. This helps with targeting people that fit the persona across all of your copy and content.

Marketers and sales teams often find that by having a particular persona to target, their writing and marketing efforts end up being tighter, more focused, and often possessing a greater ROI. In fact, one of the top tips for making creative content is knowing exactly who you’re speaking to.

They help an internal team to synergize their marketing efforts by focusing on speaking to the people most likely to buy something from the business.

The result?

A much greater ROI for your time and money spent across your marketing channels and a more confident team of creatives behind your brand.