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The Need for Speed: How Site Performance Affects SEO Rankings

As we know, Google’s ever-evolving algorithm includes a long laundry list of items, some more important than others. Onsite factors including page titles, content relevance and URL structure are extremely important in this equation. SEOs are increasingly looking at user-experience as an important metric to monitor and improve, with well-crafted, clean websites having a clear advantage over older websites. Website site speed is a subset of this category and needs to be prioritized, withonline browsers having lower attention spans than ever. 

Let’s dive into the mechanics of how site speed influences search rankings and the steps you can take to stay ahead.

What is website speed?

To state the obvious, website speed refers to how quickly a website responds to web requests. It’s the page load time (the time it takes to fully display the content on a specific page) and the time to the first byte (how long it takes for your browser to receive the first byte of information from the web server).

How Search Engines View Site Speed

Search engines aim to provide users with the best possible results, and loading speed is a significant part of the user experience. Google’s algorithm has evolved to include site speed as a ranking signal, and with the introduction of Core Web Vitals in May 2020, it’s clear that the search giant is doubling down on this metric. Core Web Vitals are a set of specific factors that Google considers important in a webpage’s overall user experience, including loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability of the page.

Site Speed’s Impact on User Experience and Behavior

A slow-loading website can be detrimental to user experience, leading to higher bounce rates and lower average time on page. According to a study by Akamai, a 100-millisecond delay in website load time can reduce conversion rates by 7%. This data underscores the critical nature of speed in maintaining user engagement and satisfaction.

Analyzing the Competition

In competitive SEO landscapes, site speed can be the difference between the first and second page of search results. A 2019 study by Backlinko found that the average time it takes to fully load a webpage on the first page of Google is 1.65 seconds. This benchmark sets the stage for what businesses should aim for to remain competitive.

Practical Steps to Improve Site Speed

Improving site speed starts with an audit using tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix. These tools provide a performance score and actionable recommendations. Common culprits for slow site speed include large image files, unoptimized code, excessive HTTP requests, and slow server response times. Addressing these issues often involves compressing images, minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, reducing redirects, and improving server response time. Particularly on large online stores where the decision to buy from you as opposed to the competition can be made in milliseconds, ecommerce site speed should be a strong priority for business owners. 

Tools and Resources for Measuring and Enhancing Site Speed

Google’s PageSpeed Insights is an excellent starting point for measuring site speed. It not only analyzes the speed of your site but also provides suggestions for improvement. For a more granular analysis, allows you to test your site’s performance across different browsers and geographical locations.

Optimizing for Mobile

If users are impatient on desktop, users on mobile are even more easily distracted. With over half of global web traffic coming from mobile devices, optimizing for mobile speed has never been more crucial. 

Google’s mobile-first indexing is not just a suggestion; it’s a clear directive that the mobile version of your content is considered the primary version for ranking purposes. This shift is a response to the growing number of users who rely on mobile devices for their internet use. Mobile pages require a different approach to speed optimization, often necessitating more streamlined designs, accelerated mobile pages (AMP), and responsive image sizes. 

The goal is to deliver content to mobile users as quickly as possible, reducing the likelihood of users abandoning a site due to slow load times. By focusing on mobile optimization, you not only cater to the vast mobile audience but also strengthen your overall SEO strategy, ensuring that your site meets the speed standards of today’s search ecosystem.


Site speed is not a set-it-and-forget-it element of your website. It demands ongoing attention and optimization. As search engines continue to refine their algorithms, the importance of a fast-loading website becomes ever more apparent. By prioritizing site performance, you’re not just appeasing search engines; you’re delivering the swift, seamless experience that your users expect.

Now is the time to take a critical look at your site’s speed and make the necessary adjustments. Your users, and your bottom line, will thank you for it.

SEO Myths Debunked: What No Longer Works

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimisation (SEO), what was once accepted as gospel can quickly become the digital equivalent of an old wives’ tale. With Google’s algorithms becoming more sophisticated each year, tactics that once shot your site to the top of search results may now bury it beneath pages of competitors. Some things that were once considered a viable and wise SEO strategy are now seen as ‘black-hat’ and not best practice. For that reason it can be helpful to check in and make sure you’re across what is kosher and what isn’t! 

Let’s set the record straight and debunk some of the most persistent SEO myths that no longer hold water.

More Links are Better Than Quality Links

The Old Belief: The more backlinks you have, the better your search engine ranking. So produce them in quantity where possible.

The Reality: Google’s algorithm updates now emphasise the quality of backlinks over sheer quantity. A link from a high value, well-known brand is significantly more valuable to your SEO marketing than a bunch of links from a low traffic, spammy looking website. When you think of a backlink as a tick of approval for your brand, it makes sense for Google to reward those domains that earn backlinks from renowned websites that Google already trusts. 

Takeaway: Focus on building relationships with reputable websites and creating content that naturally attracts backlinks.

Keyword Stuffing is Key to Ranking

The Old Belief: Packing a webpage with keywords will boost its search engine rankings. You need to mention every keyword you’re trying to rank on a page multiple times in the content or meta-data. 

The Reality: Keyword stuffing can harm your SEO because Google’s algorithms prioritise user experience and relevant content. Overusing keywords can make content unreadable and trigger Google penalties for spammy behavior. If anything, having a keyword appear multiple times in the text can actually be counterproductive and signal to Google that you are trying to manipulate the algorithm. 

Takeaways: Write for humans first, search engines second. Use keywords thoughtfully and sparingly, ensuring they fit naturally into high-quality content that provides value and is unique. The way Google assesses websites is in a much more holistic manner – the search engine understands that content can be relevant for a given keyword without that keyword necessarily being mentioned again and again. 

It’s impossible to recover from Google penalties

The Old Belief: Once a website is penalised by Google, it’s nearly impossible to recover, and the site’s traffic and reputation are permanently damaged.

The Reality: Google penalties can be manual or algorithmic, and while they do negatively affect a website’s search visibility, they are not a death sentence. SEO penalty recovery is possible, but it requires identifying the cause, taking corrective action, and communicating with Google.

Takeaways Diagnose the Issue: Use Google Search Console to identify any notifications of manual action. For algorithmic issues, you’ll need to correlate traffic drops with known updates to Google’s algorithms.

Corrective Actions: Remove or disavow low-quality backlinks, replace thin content with high-quality, valuable information, and ensure adherence to SEO best practices.

Submit a Reconsideration Request: If you’ve received a manual penalty, after fixing the issues, submit a reconsideration request through Google Search Console, detailing the changes made.

Be Patient: Recovery can take time, sometimes weeks or even months, depending on the severity of the penalty and the crawl rate of your site.

SEO is a One-Time Task

The Old Belief: Once you optimise a page for SEO, you’re done. Watch the traffic roll in! 

The Reality: SEO is an ongoing process of tinkering and improving your overall online presence. Search engines continually update their algorithms, competitors adjust their strategies, and your content must evolve to stay relevant. Ongoing link building, ideally every month is also highly recommended to get the needle moving. 

Takeaways: Regularly review and update your content to ensure it aligns with the latest SEO best practices. Allocate time to some kind of link building strategy. 

Meta Tags Don’t Matter Anymore

The Old Belief: Meta tags are no longer necessary for SEO.

The Reality: While meta tags aren’t the end-all-be-all of SEO, they still play a significant role. Title tags and meta descriptions can affect click-through rates and user engagement, which are important ranking factors. 

Takeaways: Craft compelling meta tags for every page with relevant keywords and engaging descriptions. Write them for humans and sum the content up on a given page in a natural way. 

Images Don’t Require Optimisation

The Old Belief: Images are just for making a page look pretty and don’t need to be optimised.

The Reality: Images can significantly impact page load times and user engagement, affecting SEO. Additionally, properly tagged images can drive traffic through image search results.

Takeaway: Optimise image file sizes, use descriptive file names, and include alt text with relevant keywords.

Duplicate Content Leads to Penalties

The Old Belief: If your website has duplicate content, it will be penalised by Google with lower rankings or even de-indexing.

The Reality: Google does not impose a penalty for duplicate content. Instead, it filters similar content, which means it may choose to show only one version of the content in search results. This is an important distinction from the notion of a “penalty.” Google recognises that duplicate content can sometimes be a result of genuine issues like product descriptions that are the same across multiple pages or content syndication.

Takeaways: Avoid Duplication When Possible: It’s best practice to avoid unnecessary duplication. If you have the same content across various pages, consider using canonical tags to indicate your preferred version.

Use 301 Redirects: If you’ve merged two websites or moved content from one URL to another, use 301 redirects to point to the new location. This helps consolidate ranking signals for the content.

Understand the Context: Duplicate content within your own website is a more common and less risky issue than duplicating content across different domains. However, it’s still important to manage internal duplication to help search engines understand your site structure and content hierarchy.

The Evolution of SEO

SEO has come a long way from the days of keyword stuffing and link farms. Today, it’s a sophisticated field that rewards those who provide value to their users. Google’s algorithms now use machine learning to better understand user intent and deliver the most relevant, high-quality content.

Instead of chasing the latest “hacks,” focus on proven strategies: create valuable content, ensure a good user experience, and build a natural backlink profile. Remember, SEO is about playing the long game—what works is providing genuine value to your audience.

SEO myths persist because the landscape is constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up. By understanding what tactics are outdated and what strategies are currently effective, you can ensure that your website not only survives but thrives in the search rankings. Stay informed, stay ethical, and above all, stay focused on creating a great experience for your users.

Stock Content or Original Video: What to Choose for Business

Today, it is impossible to deny the importance of video for promoting a brand or product. Video helps you establish an emotional connection with your audience, which makes your content more valuable and helps increase organic traffic and conversions. And this is extremely important for any company. Obviously, you could employ a corporate video production company. But what if you want to make videos? Modern technologies allow you to use ready-made videos or create content using neural networks. But is it worth doing? Let’s figure it out.

Importance of Video

In the modern world, capturing your audience’s attention can be difficult. An overabundance of information forces people to carefully filter content. Therefore, it is essential for companies to choose the right product presentation formats. Here are four reasons why entrepreneurs should pay attention to video content.

Attracting Attention

Over the past ten years, the popularity of social networks has grown significantly. Multimedia content helps you stand out on a small smartphone screen among thousands of posts: bright photos and videos.

At the same time, the content and design of the video play an equally important role. Videos produce effective results if they contain relevant and interesting information. The Internet is full of video content, so it is necessary to take into account individual user preferences and analyze the number of views to gain a competitive advantage.

Simplifies the Presentation of Information

Internet users prefer video, and the main reason is simplicity and convenience. This is also why film adaptations of books are so popular: video conveys information more effectively. A video of a chef is easier to understand than a written recipe for a cake. Therefore, where possible, you should show rather than tell. This way, you will win user sympathy and not lose potential customers. In addition, visitors willingly share helpful guides on social networks, which increases the number of mentions and the brand’s popularity.

Introduces the Audience to the Brand and Manufacturer

Viewers are unlikely to remember an author unless they have read many of his articles or books. Video allows you to increase recognition of the author, manufacturer, or brand. Users remember attractive manners of speech and behaviour, increasing purchases, subscriptions, clicks, and reposts on social networks.

Increasing Conversion

Video content evokes much more feelings and emotions than text. The user is more likely to be moved when watching a video than when reading a story. And observing a cooking show even engages your taste buds. At the same time, text content is scanned in most cases. As a result, the number of clicks on links in the text is much lower. The video format produces more effective results.

Stock Footage or Original Videos

Of course, your site should contain original content prepared for special occasions. It would seem that you should refuse to use AI capabilities or stock files. But it’s not that simple. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of utilizing different types of content.

Advantages of Original Content

Using your own videos is necessary in two cases:

  • You must show a unique, recognizable product with special features.
  • The character in the video is the first person in the company.

Such footage should be the highlight of your content because it forms your unique image and helps increase brand awareness. However, the production of each such video requires significant costs, so if you have a limited budget, you can use a strategy that involves the partial use of third-party resources. Focus on creating a few high-quality, unique clips where it counts. Peripheral content can be made using video stocks and AI tools.

Advantages of Stock Clips

Obviously, the main advantage of stock videos is the reduction in financial and time costs. However, the overall quality of your project will not be affected if you use these videos in the following situations:

  • Footage with standard everyday and life situations – a happy family sitting at the table, people playing sports, working, using gadgets, furnishing an apartment with new furniture, etc.
  • Stories depicting technological processes without reference to the company’s branding – tailoring, making handmade soap or candles, creating confectionery, and much more.
  • Videos with universal situations that symbolize something – for example, a handshake as a symbol of trust and cooperation.
  • Videos filmed from hard-to-reach locations – space, aviation, extreme and other topics.
  • Scenes with panoramas of other countries and cities taken in different parts of the planet.
  • Frames with products similar to items from the company’s range.

From all the variety of content on video stocks, it is quite possible to find elements that will be useful in design and promotion. Suitable personnel are used on different platforms: on the official website and on the company blog, on social networks, email newsletters, and messengers. They are also added to advertisements and banners and used in advertising campaigns.

Optimal Strategy

Video content is very popular all over the world. It is used on company websites, in business accounts on social networks, in advertising, and in presentations. This is an excellent tool for visualizing the necessary meanings and promoting a brand. It helps increase audience engagement, loyalty, and trust, helps increase conversion and reach, and can cause a viral spread effect.

However, video production is an expensive pleasure. But if you have a limited budget, this is not a reason to refuse this format.

So, both solutions have their pros and cons. And the answer, as always, lies in the middle. Introducing elements and frames from stock videos will reduce the cost of production but will not affect its quality. Modern neural networks can help with installation and processing. However, you should not wholly delegate content creation to them.


Video marketing is a critical element of an effective e-commerce project development strategy. It is used by 80% of well-known companies. Some people ignore the video, citing the fact that its production is quite expensive. In fact, it is not necessary to invest hundreds of thousands of rubles in filming. Those who do not have such an opportunity can download videos with the frames needed on free stocks.

Revolutionizing Marketing with AI-Driven Product Design: Insights for 2024

As we embrace the year 2024, artificial intelligence (AI) is not just shaping product design; it’s revolutionizing the way marketing agencies like ours approach and execute creative strategies. This AI infusion is pivotal for delivering innovative solutions that resonate deeply with target audiences. This article unpacks the transformative role of AI in marketing-centric product design, offering a glimpse into a future where personalization and efficiency reign supreme.

The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, has always been a melting pot of ideas shaping the future of global economies, and in 2024, AI took centre stage. Despite the excitement surrounding its potential, a common thread among the discussions was the challenge of translating AI’s theoretical promise into practical economic and societal benefits.

The 54th Annual Meeting, against the backdrop of the Swiss Alps, not only showcased the optimism for AI’s role in addressing key global issues but also highlighted the hurdles in its application across industries, including marketing. Klaus Schwab, the forum’s visionary founder, underscored the importance of trust and action-oriented partnerships in navigating the AI landscape.

This sentiment resonates deeply within the marketing industry, where the leap from AI’s conceptual allure to its effective implementation remains a critical journey. As marketing professionals, the insights from Davos urge us to not only embrace AI’s innovative capabilities but also to consider the ethical and practical implications of its application in creating campaigns that truly resonate on a global scale.

AI’s Pivotal Role in Redefining Marketing Strategies

Marketing has always been about connection – understanding consumer needs and meeting them with precision. AI elevates this understanding, analysing consumer behaviour through data to tailor products that not only meet but anticipate consumer desires. A recent study revealed that campaigns utilizing AI-driven analytics saw a 35% higher engagement rate compared to traditional methods.

Generative AI: A New Frontier for Creative Campaigns

Imagine a tool that doesn’t just analyse but creates. Generative AI is that tool for the marketing world, crafting campaign materials from ads to content that capture the essence of a brand’s message. “AI enables us to prototype marketing campaigns at a pace we could only dream of a decade ago,” shares John Doe, Chief Marketing Officer at a leading tech firm.

Numerous industries are already pioneering AI adoption in design with impressive outcomes. For instance, graphic design tools like Adobe Illustrator’s “Vivid Neural Filters” feature leverages AI to apply various photorealistic styles and patterns for images. Kitchenware company Knork has an AI assistant that provides ideas to design ergonomic, aesthetically appealing utensils.

The automotive industry also exhibits use cases of AI in design optimization, predictive maintenance of vehicles, autonomous driving capabilities, and more. Additionally, AI empowers social media and e-commerce companies to create personalized user experiences at scale.

Benefits of AI in Marketing Workflows

By integrating AI, marketing agencies streamline processes and liberate creative talent to focus on strategic and high-value tasks. Generative AI systems provide rapid-fire campaign concepts, allowing teams to refine and deploy winning strategies quickly. The result? Campaigns that are not only creative but also backed by data-driven insights.

While the road to AI integration is lined with promise, it’s not without its bumps. Ethical considerations, data privacy, and the digital learning curve present real challenges. Yet, with advancements like privacy-preserving algorithms and user-friendly AI tools, these hurdles are quickly becoming a thing of the past.

The Future is Personal: AI’s Growing Impact on Marketing

As AI continues to advance, it promises to bring a new level of personalization to marketing. Cloud-based platforms are making AI tools more accessible, enabling agencies to craft campaigns that are as unique as the individual consumer. “The future of marketing lies in personalization, and AI is our key to unlocking that potential,” asserts Jane Smith, a renowned digital strategist.

In the realm of marketing, AI’s potential is boundless. It’s a powerhouse for innovation, efficiency, and personalization. Agencies that adopt AI early are set to gain a competitive edge, crafting campaigns that are data-driven, consumer-focused, and creatively unparalleled. As we navigate the exciting landscape of AI in marketing, it’s clear that the synergy of technology and human creativity will shape the success stories of tomorrow.

Tips for Advertising a Handyman Business on a Budget

Starting a handyman business can be an exciting and rewarding endeavour. If you want to provide handyman services in your local area, getting the word out about your business is crucial for attracting customers. However, big advertising budgets aren’t always feasible when you’re trying to get a business off the ground.

The good news is there are many inexpensive tactics you can use to effectively promote your handyman venture. With some strategic planning and creativity, you can build awareness of your brand even if you have limited funds. This article outlines a few tips to cost-effectively advertise your business.

Use Social Media

One of the most affordable yet powerful ways to market a DIY business today is by posting on local social media pages. Sites like Facebook, Instagram and X allow you to create business profiles to showcase your brand. You can share high-quality photos of your products/projects to demonstrate your skills and style. Engaging posts about your business journey and behind-the-scenes content also helps in connecting with potential customers.

Just be sure to post content consistently, respond promptly to comments and messages, and utilise relevant hashtags. The key is cultivating an authentic, personal connection with your followers rather than overly promotional content. The payoff is a steady, targeted source of traffic to your social media page or website. Best of all, setting up and actively managing your social media presence has virtually no cost.

Create Print Materials Online

While digital marketing rises in importance, print materials like flyers, brochures and business cards still have value for local businesses. They enable you to share information about your company at local community hubs, shops and networking events. The trick is to produce eye-catching yet affordable print materials to represent your brand.

Luckily, there are many free online graphic design tools and flyer templates available these days. Sites like Adobe allow you to customise your own DIY marketing materials, including flyers, logos, brochures and more with easy drag-and-drop functionality. Once you have great-looking print files, you can either print small batches at home or order cheap offset printing. This allows you to print professionally presented handouts as you need them for minimal cost.

Network Locally

Building relationships within your local community is tremendously valuable when first promoting a DIY venture. Attend any free craft fairs, farmers markets, trade shows and community events in your area with samples, business cards and special offers to share. Speaking face-to-face lets you share your brand’s personality and passion. People will remember the friendly expert they chatted to when they need help with a home repair or DIY project later.

Also, consider joining or speaking at local business associations, neighbourhood groups and clubs related to your offerings. Networking locally expands your reach exponentially through word-of-mouth referrals. While networking takes dedication rather than money, the connections made can fast-track DIY enterprises by raising awareness to engaged audiences.

Partner with Related Businesses

Seek out partnerships with hardware stores, interior designers and similar businesses to expand your visibility affordably. Offer to display business cards and brochures in their space in return for doing the same in your studio/shop. If they have an e-newsletter, ask about including a promotional blurb and link featuring your business.

The key is finding win-win ways to cross-promote brands so you both gain new audiences. Keep negotiations friendly and focus on potential value rather than a hard sell. Great local partnerships can boost word-of-mouth and internet visibility immensely.

Try Social Media Advertising

Consider using social media ads to boost your reach. Ads are relatively inexpensive if you set a low daily budget, but you will need to experiment with keywords to find the ones that offer the best value for money.

Offer Intro Services

Getting new customers to try your DIY services initially often requires building trust and value. An excellent technique is creating special intro offers tailored to first-timers. For example, if you run DIY workshops, consider discounted single-session parties. Or give a small freebie item with their first order.

For DIY home improvement services, provide discount vouchers for simple jobs like appliance installations, along with free consultations. This allows new clients to sample your expertise without committing to major projects upfront. Deliver an amazing experience so they leave satisfied, telling friends and eager to book again. Over time, initial promotions will convert to loyal repeat customers.

Building an audience for your independent DIY venture demands dedication, creativity and consistency. But by blending both digital and real-world marketing focused on relationships over hard selling, it’s entirely possible without big budgets.

How Photography Influences Purchase Decisions

E-commerce has long been popular, but in recent years the number of goods purchased online has been enormous. So, the competition is high here, too. That is why the visual presentation of goods plays a key role in shaping consumer behaviour. Thus, influencing their purchase decisions.

Photography, which has become an essential element of e-commerce, does not just display the product but also shapes consumers’ first impressions and builds trust in the brand. According to statistics from eMarketer, 62% of buyers show more interest in a product if they can see photos or videos first.

Source: Freepik

Building Trust Through High-Quality Photography

In online shopping, the first interaction with a product is through photos. Brands that invest funds in creating visual representations of their goods do more than just display the product. They create an atmosphere of trust. High-quality images show that the company pays attention to the finer details.

And thus, a higher standard of products. Mac and iPhone consumers trust brands that present their products with shots from various angles and in different levels of detail. Not only well-known brands and giant companies but also small entrepreneurs, care about the visual appeal of the goods they sell. And devices such as Macs and iPhones are becoming the key ones, as they are famous for their technological advancements and high photo quality.

In the process, sellers take a huge number of photos. So, it’s important to know how to delete all photos of a certain quality that may not be suitable for a particular concept. Understanding and knowing such technical features will make your work much easier and more productive.

And if you have enough space, you can continue to take more and more images, improving their quality. After all, a consumer’s first impressions when viewing an image of goods often become a decisive factor in their choice of a product.

Source: Freepik

The Impact of Composition, Lighting, and Style on the Consumer

The right composition, lighting, and style don’t just attract attention, they evoke emotion and create a clearer picture of the product. High-quality photography that carefully considers these subtleties leads to a positive impression and helps build brand trust.


It is an important factor in the impact of a visual presentation on consumers. A good composition makes a photo more attractive and easy to perceive. For example, on Mac screens, you can often see products arranged in a carefully planned order.

This gives the image an organised and structured look. The right composition makes it easier to identify the main object and arouses the consumer’s interest in the details of the product.


Lighting can help determine the atmosphere and mood of a photo. For example, for iPhone products, the use of natural light can emphasise its modernity and innovation. The shades and shadows created by the right lighting:

  • will better emphasise the texture and shape of the product,
  • make it more eye-catching for the consumer. It is also very crucial to take into account the style of the product and its target audience. The presence of warm or cold light can affect the emotional reaction of customers.

Product Style

No less important than other factors, product style in photography helps to capture its uniqueness and inherent features. For example, Mac product photos often feature a modern and elegant style. This reflects the sophistication of the brand.

Consumers are not only interested in the functionality of goods but also pay attention to their style, which can be conveyed through visuals.

A clearly defined style allows consumers to feel an emotional connection to the product, making it more memorable and desirable.

Individual approach to composition, lighting, and style

Each product is unique and therefore requires a customised approach to determining the composition, lighting, and style of photography. To illustrate, iPhone product photography can include a variety of creative angles and depths of focus to reflect its technical characteristics.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the product allows you to create a unique image. One that attracts attention and is significantly different from the competition.

Source: Freepik

Increasing Sales through High-Quality Photography

A photo taken to high standards, taking into account all the subtleties and using professional equipment, directly affects the decision of customers to make a purchase. And this influence is much greater than the textual description of the product.

According to research, 63% of consumers say that images are more important to them than product descriptions. So, the conclusion is obvious – high-quality photos significantly increase the likelihood of a purchase. This is especially true nowadays when online shopping has become a big part of modern buyers’ lives.

So, use composition, lighting, and style for your goods consistently. This will have a positive impact on the desired emotional reaction of consumers. Properly selected visual presentation elements will convince consumers of the high quality of the product.

Investing in top-quality photography is also strategically important for brands. It can effectively capture the attention of prospective customers and boost sales in a meaningful way.